Saturday 25 October 2014

Health, Health!

Assalamualaikum and Hello everyone..
How are you today? I hope the moment you read this, you all are in a pink of health.
So, today's entry, I want to talk a little bit about 'cholesterol' and also I want to share with you guys which foods are the best for us to consume without taking to much cholesterol.

~The high diet in animal based product or saturated fats commonly high in cholesterol levels. On the other hand, the low cholesterol  levels are found in fruits, vegetables and also whole grain. For the individual who came from a family which inherited a heart disease, they must be very diligent in following the right diet that advised from the expert.

Now let us talk about the foods that may raise your cholesterol level. 
1) Cookies, cakes, chocolate and others that based on saturated tropical oils.
2) Full- fat diary products. For example butter and cheese.
3) Fatty meats and meats product,such as beef, lamb chops, bacon, pork and
     also hamburgers.

Following are the type of foods that can lower the cholesterol level.
1) whole-wheat, multigrain breads. 
2) Oatmeal, cereals and also soy product such as tofu.
3) Vegetables such as onions, sweet corn and aw well as legumes.
4) Fruits such as apples, oranges, bananas and also dried fruits like apricots
     and prunes.
5) Nuts such as pecans, walnuts and almonds.

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