Saturday 25 October 2014

Health, Health!

Assalamualaikum and Hello everyone..
How are you today? I hope the moment you read this, you all are in a pink of health.
So, today's entry, I want to talk a little bit about 'cholesterol' and also I want to share with you guys which foods are the best for us to consume without taking to much cholesterol.

~The high diet in animal based product or saturated fats commonly high in cholesterol levels. On the other hand, the low cholesterol  levels are found in fruits, vegetables and also whole grain. For the individual who came from a family which inherited a heart disease, they must be very diligent in following the right diet that advised from the expert.

Now let us talk about the foods that may raise your cholesterol level. 
1) Cookies, cakes, chocolate and others that based on saturated tropical oils.
2) Full- fat diary products. For example butter and cheese.
3) Fatty meats and meats product,such as beef, lamb chops, bacon, pork and
     also hamburgers.

Following are the type of foods that can lower the cholesterol level.
1) whole-wheat, multigrain breads. 
2) Oatmeal, cereals and also soy product such as tofu.
3) Vegetables such as onions, sweet corn and aw well as legumes.
4) Fruits such as apples, oranges, bananas and also dried fruits like apricots
     and prunes.
5) Nuts such as pecans, walnuts and almonds.

Saturday 18 October 2014

Work Hard!

Have you ever heard this quotes?. I am sure this one of a kind words that you need to hear when you were in bad situation.

As a students, we always confront with many types of difficulties along our way. Indeed there are many obstacles, but it is not a REASON for us to quit. Why? because we only live once, all this opportunity sometimes will not come back to give us second chance to try. So LIVE everyone. Try, try and try. To make a mistakes is not something shameful for us, it is simply mean we are willing to learn. But to make the same mistakes twice it is not mistake it is a CHOICE.

Although we do not know what is waiting us on the other side, we have to prepare ourselves whatever come to us in the future. Hence, we have to work hard and pray a lot  in hope that our Lord will help us in everything we do. In the end, we have to feel grateful for many favors that our Lord give to us. For the last, keep smile and stay humble :))

"The only one who can satisfy our heart is the one who create it".

Have a nice day everyone, Seize your day!


Assalamualaikum and Hello everyone,

In this entry i want to talk a little bit about my lovely state which is Sabah.
If you never been here before, I should say Sabah is a great place for you to visit. 
There are many places that you can spend time with. If you are adventure seeker maybe this is time for you to take down Mount Kinabalu which have 4905.2 meter in height. Perhaps you want to find some peace, relaxation and also tranquility, I suggest Pulau Mabul and Pulau Sipadan is the best place to be.

If you are from peninsular Malaysia, it is only take a 2 hours and 30 minutes flight where you will bound at Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA). You do not have to worry about anything else such as transportation or hotel, you can find it easily in the internet. Sometimes there are many package that available that include all the transportation and also place to stay.

So if you want to go to vacation, Sabah should be on your list. I also include some photo here to make you more interested to visit Sabah. See you next time, Dadaa~


Thursday 25 September 2014

Plagiarism, Is It Intentional?

Based on the definition of plagiarism by University of Oxford, plagiarism is the copying or
paraphrasing of other people’s work or ideas without full acknowledgment. On the other word,
we could say that plagiarism is stealing other people's work. As a students, we cannot escape of having 
chance to do plagiarism when we do our assignments or other kinds of work that require us to search 
a lot of information from various sources, such as internet or archives of people's work where we can
find hundreds or maybe millions of data and sometimes we find that it is a lot more easier to copy 
them rather than do it by ourselves. 

I have done my reading regarding this topic that more into the high-tech plagiarize. High-tech plagiarize
often done by using smartphone, laptop and also the internet. The teenager is identified as the one that
always involve with this crime or in other context is the students itself. Basically, there are many factor
can contribute to this problem such as lack of knowledge on how getting information from internet or
other sources, do not have awareness to the consequences that will happen if we done plagiarism and so on. 

Based on the articles, it is mentioned about cheating during examination. The lack of monitoring during the exam is the factor why this could happen. The students will bring they cell-phone to the exam hall and
hide it somewhere where the teacher could not see it. Then it will be easy for them to find the answers directly from the world wide web. This situation also can be identify as plagiarize others work. Well this 
is simply because the answer were taking from a work of a person without his acknowledgment, of course.

Hence, the teacher come out with many idea to solve this problem such as, banned the use of phone 
during exam and also increase the monitoring skills for the teacher to enhance a better attention for 
them. Besides, the technology nowadays come out with many unpredictable yet useful for authority to
trace the one that doing plagiarism such as turn it in software and also many other tools that can be use 
to fight this problem.  

In conclusion, I can say that many students do plagiarize because they think that they do not have 
other choices and also they do not think that they will not be punished for that offense they have done although they know it is illegal thing to do. Basically, it is intentional thing that is 
done by the students.